What Everybody Ought to Know About Winkme.com
If you spend any time at all online, you will notice that there are more and more social networking sites becoming available. A lot of the sites you enjoy playing online bingo with, have their own groups on the social networking sites, but Wink Bingo has taken a step into a whole new area. They have actually started their own networking site for their online bingo players and this is called WinkMe.
All of the players who enjoy the online bingo with Wink Bingo will be able to access the new site. All you have to do is log on to the site and click on the WinkMe icon. This will take you to a new site and from there you will be able to create a profile, fill out all of your information, upload a photo and do all of the things that you can do with other social networking sites. The site is secure so all of your information is safe.
Once you have all of that information completed, you can begin making friends on the site. All of your friends from the Wink Bingo chat rooms can be added to your list and there are already groups forming on the site. There is a mail system on the site that will allow you to email with the other members of WinkMe.
There is plenty of information on the WinkMe home page and you can enjoy such things as your horoscope, celebrity gossip, daily polls and live news on the site. Not only will you be able to enjoy all of these activities, but you will also be able to use the site to create teams to play in the Wink Bingo team games.
This is the start of something big for the online bingo sites and Wink Bingo is right at the forefront. It won’t be too long before all of the other uk bingo sites are creating their own social networking sites. There is plenty to do with a networking site that is connected to your favourite online bingo place. Trust Wink Bingo to come up with such a great idea. Next time you are on Wink Bingo, be sure you click on the WinkMe icon and check out what is happening on the social networking site. You will find it a great way to enjoy the friends you have made playing online bingo. And that is the best part of playing games online - a warm community of online bingo players is waiting for you with WinkMe
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