Glorious Bingo pays your bills

  • Posted by: Des | Date January 25th, 2010
  • Tags: glorious bingo

With the recent cold snap affecting all our winter fuel bills most of us will be dreading the postman dropping our latest gas or electricity bill though the letterbox. But, Glorious Bingo have a great promotional offer currently running on their online bingo site where three lucky players each month will have their household fuel or water bill paid.

How can I get my gas, electricity or water bill paid for free?
Glorious Bingo are going to pay the electricity, gas or water bill for three lucky bingo winners this month, which comes at the perfect time after the winter freeze.

glorious bingoSignup to Glorious Bingo here!

All players have to do is buy a bingo card for either the water, gas or electricity pattern games and they will be in entered into the monthly draw at the end of the current month. And, the more times you play on one of these patterns, the more entries you get into the draw. That means your chances of having your bills paid increase every time you play.

Glorious bingo will randomly draw the three winners at the end of the month and one will have their electricity bill paid, one will have their gas bill paid and one will have their water bill paid. This is a cracking promotion and the perfect winter warming tonic for the colder months of the year.

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  2. Glorious Bingo

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