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Gala Bingo Makes Online Bingo Player’s Wish Come True

Gala Bingo has made one of their online bingo players very happy this week after they won a huge £28,840.29 on their Cash Climber Jackpot.  The lady in question has decided to remain anonymous which is her prerogative; however we do know that she lives in St Helens in Merseyside.

It’s A Bit of a Tear Jerker

Now get your tissues at the ready as this had the majority of the ladies in our office close to tears, luckily the lads at Sunlight Bingo have learnt to keep tissues on their desks that they often hand to us which tends stops the dreaded mascara panda eyed effect from occurring.  Anyway back to the story……

The lucky Gala Bingo winner is going to use some of the money to go and see her daughter who has lived in New Zealand for the past eight years, during this time they have only been able to afford to see each other once, and that was over five years ago.  The Winner said “We haven’t seen each other in five years and I am so excited about being reunited with her. Plus I’m over the moon as I will be able to see my beautiful grandchildren for the second time” – We did warn you that you might need tissues.

Sign up to Gala Bingo here!

Lesley Hall who is Gala Bingo online PR Manager said “We are absolutely delighted to hear from the family who became one of our 500,000 winners per month. We pay out over £65 million a year and it’s always lovely to hear stories about how winning on the site can make a difference to people’s lives. We hope the family really enjoy their trip to New Zealand this Easter.”

All of the gang at Sunlight Bingo also just wanted to say congratulations to the lucky online bingo player and we all hope you have a lovely time visiting your family in New Zealand.

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