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Bingo Day Girl’s Night Out!

Bingo Day are getting very excited this month about having a massive Girl’s Night Out! Ok, so they won’t actually come with you, but with their new promotion, they will pay for you and your friends to have an amazing, ladies-only night out. Typical girly activities involve hours of getting ready of course, then maybe a meal and a film followed by a drink and some dancing – it can be the perfect way to blow off some steam and break through those January blues!

bingo daySign up to Bingo Day here!

What’s more, to win this amazing prize, all you have to do is be your usually chatty selves. Bingo Day will keep track of all of the chat game bonuses you win in January, in any room, and whoever has the most at the end will win the fabulous top prize. How does £200 worth of cinema and leisure vouchers sound? Fantastic, I bet!

You can do anything you like on your big Girl’s Night Out; treat your friends to some fun activities, and get some tasty food down you before you go out ravin’ and misbehavin’! Enjoy your special Girl’s Night Out – it doesn’t beat playing online bingo, but it comes pretty close!

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