Wink bingo has some great promotions currently running on their online bingo site, so it is easy to see why their players keep coming back for more. With games and promotions such as ‘Share The Money Honey’ and their fantastic ‘Team Bingo’ there is always something new to talk about.
One great new promotion on the site is called ‘The Wink Cube Challenge’, this great game only plays on Wednesdays and all you have to do is find the hidden Wink cube somewhere on the site.
Visit Wink Bingo Here!
When you click the cube you have to complete the sliding game that pops up by moving the pieces around to complete the image (a finished version is shown in the corner of the screen to help you out). If you accept the challenge and are ultimately successful, winners will get a fantastic 10,000 bps credited to their bingo account.
You can play this Wink Bingo game as many times as you like to try to win the fab 10,000 bps on offer. The game plays this Wednesday and next Wednesday so keep yours eyes out for the hidden Wink Cube!
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