The right to use audible bingo cards won by blind bingo fan

  • Posted by: Gwen | Date May 21st, 2009
  • Tags: Add new tag, , bingonews

Play Foxy Bingo

Joanna Richardson, a passionate bingo player from Rochester is said to have won the battle with regards to her right to use audible bingo cards. Ms Richardson is said to be visually impaired and makes use of audible bingo cards which makes playing the game of bingo much simpler for her. These audible cards are completely electronic and help a player to keep a precise track with regards to numbers while playing bingo games.

However, she was not granted the permission to make use of her audible card until it was switched to silent mode. After a long hard fight, Ms Richardson finally got the right to make use of her audible card that made a beep as soon as she scores a bingo.

Ms Richardson was denied the request of using her audible bingo card that made the sound due to complaints that kept coming from various other bingo players. She made several complaints to the Wagering and Racing Board and her continuous efforts finally seem to have paid off. The Board has recently granted permission to use audible cards within bingo halls. Any individual can now use these audible bingo cards regardless of whether the person is handicapped or not.

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