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Jet Bingo Now Redirects to Bingo Liner

Jet Bingo as you may recall if you are an avid reader of Sunlight Bingo, was the subject of a news story here last year after it was reported that Jet Bingo was soon be on the net.  Although the jetbingo .com site was already very much up and running, a Jet Bingo site aimed [...]

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Jet Bingo UK to be launched

  • Posted by: Irene | Date August 23rd, 2009
  • Tags: , jet bingo uk

A new bingo site called Jet Bingo UK is going to be launched very soon in the UK. While there is very little information on how it looks and what its features will be, the holding page on the site says that the arrival of the site is imminent. This shows the need for the [...]

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