Bingo Street team questions Party Bingo on unjustified inactive fee

The Bingo Street team went to London to participate in an online bingo conference and held discussions with various online bingo operators and their affiliates. Many participants were extremely agitated over the imposition of Inactive Fess by Party Bingo on its online bingo accounts.
The Bingo Street team, in order to confirm the shocking news, contacted [...]

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Bingostreet goes astrological with their free bingo horoscope

Bingostreet, a popular web portal for online bingo, now provides their online bingo players an opportunity to glimpse into their future of playing online bingo games, with the help of their Bingo Horoscope updated on a weekly basis by Russell Grant.
The Bingo Horoscope is a big advantage to all those online bingo players who do [...]

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