Study: Women players dominate the online bingo platform

slbingoOnline bingo is no longer the alien gaming concept it once was. This game of chance is popular all across the globe.

A recent study has revealed that online bingo is immensely popular among the female gender. The female population have ended the popular belief that gambling is more attractive to men. Besides the entertainment aspect, online bingo has also proven to be an avenue to socialise. The vast number of online bingo chat rooms and forums are always occupied by the female population as a majority. They discuss various online gaming strategies, tips and hints to win the maximum amount. The players also use this opportunity to discuss current events and happenings.

The ‘social’ aspect has been cited as the major reason for the increase in female bingo players. It is also found that an average female player is usually in her 30s. Several web site owners have also developed special forums and chat rooms just for women. The online marketers also use this opportunity to promote specific women related products like cosmetics. Such chat rooms coupled with a wide variety of websites have added to the increase in female players.

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