Online bingo website forced to call off ad campaign

tombola bingo
Online bingo is played and enjoyed by millions of people all over the world. A considerable number of the bingo playing population is from the UK. Naturally, the authorities are very concerned to make sure that people below the age of 18 do not indulge in the game of online bingo.

While the online bingo sites are trying to make sure that the people playing online Bingo get an experience that is closest to a real bingo playing experience, the authorities are having a problem with it.

Playing bingo on fairgrounds is a tradition that goes far back in time. So, when Tombola Bingo made their online bingo ad campaign with a picture of a traditional fairground, the online bingo players appreciated the website’s concern to make the virtual world of online bingo more real and enjoyable.

However, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has found the ad campaign problematic. According to ASA, the fairgrounds in the advertisements look so attractive that they will appeal to the youngsters below the age of 18 who might start playing online bingo.

Although, the online bingo website protested saying that it does not allow minors to play online bingo by placing stringent rules, the ASA was not convinced and the bingo website was forced to call off the ad campaign, which had cost them a six figure price.

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