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Online Bingo goes Side Games Mad

When side games such as slots and instant games were introduced to online bingo it seemed like a logical step, certainly as so many of the online bingo sites also owned online casino sites, for example Bet 365.  Side games were originally added to keep bingo players amused in between playing the main bingo games and of course to get the captive bingo playing audience spending a few more pounds.  Now howeve they have become a main game in their own right and the majority of online bingo sites have a range of slots and instant games available to play on their site, as well as featuring numerous other games, such as progressive games.

Wink BingoCheckout Great Side Games here!

Online bingo sites have also been investing more money into side games so that they have the best slot and instant games available.  The most widely know and used platform is called Globalcom bingo software (888 Holdings) and includes a wide range of games.

The promotions on the slot and instant games have also improved dramatically over the years and many sites now payout more prize money on their slots games than the bingo games.  For example, Wink bingo has given away tens of thousands of pounds on their Fluffy Favourites Slot game on more than one occasion.

The slot and instant games that are featured on online bingo sites also seem to be a lot more relaxed and fun than the games on a casino site.  We guess casino sites have a more serious image because the onus is more on winning money and also possibly aimed more towards a male market more than just having fun and socialising.  Whereas online bingo sites are generally more geared to a female market and fun and making friends is what they do best and with names like Fluffy Favourites they are clearly aimed at a slightly gentler market.

So what do the bingo sites have up their sleeves for us next? We have now got free bingo galore, side games, social networking to name just a few of the more recent additions to the online bingo game.  Only time will tell we will just have to sit, play bingo and keep an eye on what the online bingo sites will do next to impress us.

Related posts:

  1. Online bingo is fun and exciting
  2. Online bingo offers loads of cash prizes
  3. The world of online bingo: tips to play
  4. Benefits of online bingo games
  5. The popularity of online bingo games

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