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Bingo Lingo

  • Posted by: Suzanne | Date July 9th, 2008
  • Tags: Bingo Lingo, bingo lingo

If like me you spend quite a lot of time taking advantage of all that free bingo money listed to the right of this article. You’ll notice some strange abbreviations in the online bingo chat room boxs other wise known as Bingo Lingo Although it may seem strange at first these abbreviations save you time when messaging in a busy chat room and they also help you integrate quickly.

Take a moment to have a look at the Bingo Lingo directory that we have listed below so that you have all the info you need to enjoy the wonderful world of online bingo.

press ctrl and D to bookmark this page for future reference.

AFAIK- as far as I know
AFK – away from keyboard
AFK2P – away from keyboard to pee
AKA – also known as ASAP – as soon as possible
A/S/L – Age/Sex/Location
BAK – Back at Keyboard
BBIAM – be back in a minute
BBL – be back later
BBS – be back soon
BDT – bout darn time
BF – boyfriend
BLNT – better luck next time
BRB – be right back
BS – Big Smile
BTW – by the way
CYA – see ya
CYAL8R – see ya later
EMSG – email message
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
FWIW – for what it’s worth
FYI – for your information
GF – girlfriend
GG – good going or good game
GL – good luck
GLA – good luck all
GL2U – good luck 2 you
GLE – good luck everyone
GM – good morning
GMTA – great minds think alike
GN – good night
GTSY – glad to see you
GLE – good luck everyone
GM – good morning
GMTA – great minds think alike
GN – good night
GTSY – glad to see you
H and A – hug and kiss
HB – hurry back
HHIS – hanging head in shame
IC – I see
IYKWIM – if you know what I mean
IGP – I gotta pee
IMO – in my opinion
IRL – in real life
JK – just kidding
JMO – just my opinion
JTLYK – just to let you know
KIT – keep in touch
KOTC – kiss on the cheek
KOTL – kiss on the lips
L8R – later
L8R G8R – later gator
LMAO – laughing my ass off
LOL – laughing out loud
LOFTING – talking in private chat (the loft)
LTNS – long time no see
LUWAMH – love you with all my heart
LY – love ya
NETUA – nobody ever tells us anything
NP – no problem
OIC – oh I see
OMG – oh my goodness (gawd)
OTOH – on the other hand
PITA – pain in the ass
PM – private message
POOF – I have left the chat
PPL – people
QT – cutie
RE – hi again
ROFL – rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO – rolling on floor laughing my ass off
RTF – read the FAQ
RTSM – read the stupid manual
SAC – sorry all close
SO – significant other
SOHF – sense of humor failure
SPAM – Stupid Persons Advertisement
SRY – sorry
SWAK – sealed with a kiss
SWL – screaming with laughter
SYS – see you soon
TC – take care
TOY – thinking of you
TPTB – the powers that be
TTFN – ta ta for now
TTYL – talk to you later
TX – thanks
TY – thank you
TYVM – thank you very much
VEG – very evil grin
WB – welcome back
WTG – way to go
WTH – what or who the heck
WYSIWYG – what you see is what you get
YBS – you’ll be sorry
YMMV – your mileage may vary
YSR – yeah sure right
YVW – you’re very welcome
YW – you’re welcome
*G* – giggle or grin
*H* – hug
*K* – kiss
*S* – smile
*W* – wink
1TG – 1 to go
2TG – 2 to go
3TG – 3 to go

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