Bingo industry gets backing of new Commons Speaker on tax hike

  • Posted by: Irene | Date June 29th, 2009
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Bingo G

The proposed hike by the Government in bingo duty tax has made the future look grim for the bingo industry. However, the game got unexpected backing from John Bercow, a new speaker in the House of Commons, who signed a motion against the much criticised bingo tax.

John Becrow is one of a hundred politicians to support the motion appealing to the Government to reconsider its policy on the increase in Bingo Duty tax. Bercow signed this motion a week before his appointment to the new post.

According to the Rank Group CEO, Ian Bruke, the support the bingo industry received from MPs of different parties, shows the strong disagreement with the Government’s actions.

The UK bingo industry has been passing through a prolonged period of serious crises as many bingo halls had to close down permanently. The low customer turnout as a result of the smoking ban and the effects of recession, led to unprecedented financial losses. Closure of halls has also led to unemployment and a big reduction in the number of venues for the local people to socialise.

There has been vigorous campaigning by the industry against the tax hike. It is now optimistic about positive response due to the strong support it received from MPs and the Speaker himself.

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