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Bingo Fabulous give the ultimate coffee break

Bingo Fabulous know how some online bingo players cannot cope in the morning without a lovely cup of cappuccino or espresso.  For those that like nothing better than having a nice hot drink from Starbucks or a Costa Coffee they could now enjoy this luxury in the comfort of their own home as Bingo Fabulous have a promotion currently running which offers an Espresso / Cappuccino maker as a prize.

Love Coffee?

If you are a coffee lover then this amazing Bingo Fabulous prize will be right up your street, because if you are a winner you will have the best coffee machine which can be used with either ground coffee or even easy serving espresso (ESE) pods for bingo players in a rush.

bingo fabulous

This amazing coffee machine will create the perfect espresso or cappuccino every single time, and it also boasts a swivel steam pipe to add a bit of froth to the milk for a latte.  So if you love extra frothy milk in your cappuccino or espresso then simply use the steam pipe for longer.

Bingo Fabulous have three Espressos/Cappuccino makers up for grabs in their latest weekend prize draw and all players have to do to gain entry is simply bingo on the letter ‘C’ pattern over the weekend.  Three lucky online bingo players will then be pulled out of the virtual hat and will be sent the espresso/cappuccino makers.

Love Cash?

Bingo Fabulous also have some other brilliant promotions running over the weekend where bingo players can earn extra points (pts) to spend at the site.  Simply be the online bingo player to bingo the most on the ‘Heart’ pattern over the weekend and you will win £100 in pts or be the online bingo player to wager the most over the weekend to win £200 in pts.  By the way a big “Congratulations” from all of us at Sunlight Bingo to bigbird76 and xcobalt6x who last weekend won a luxury picnic hamper each.  We hope you are enjoying them!

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