Wii have a winner!

Now you can enter to win at Sunlight Bingo. Our website features the latest bingo reviews along with bingo news and bingo promotions.

As an added bonus we are also giving away prizes to our readers just for signing up for our free newsletter! This isn’t a new competition; however we have decided to extend it further with more prizes due to the previous success of our last contest.

Carole Denney from Carlisle, Cumbria was the lucky lady that won Sunlight Bingo’s first ever competition.

Carole won a Nintendo Wii & a Wii fit valued at over £200 simply by signing up for our newsletter. She thought she would only receive our exclusive special offers and promotion codes but to her surprise she actually won. Here’s what Carole sent us after she received her prize:

“Thank you very much for the free Wii! I am a single parent and it took me a while to save the money to buy a Wii for my kids. I recently purchased one last month and all my children have done since then is fight over it. Now thanks to your free contest, they can each have one of their own. Thank you once again.”

You could win just as easily as Carole did. We are going to be giving away even more Nintendo Wii’s in the near future. All you have to do is enter in your name and e-mail address at the top on the left hand side under “Win a Nintendo Wii!” to join our mailing list. There is no fee and you can opt out at any time. You will be sent exclusive promotions from time to time and you will automatically be entered into our new give-away contest.

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