Secure 3D transactions for internet bingo

  • Posted by: Irene | Date August 27th, 2009
  • Tags: internet bingo

Foxy Zero

Internet bingo and pool players may soon encounter difficulties as they try to fund their bingo accounts as a new security verification measure is being put into place. Thanks to secure 3D, a new verification process is applicable to maestro card and switch card users. There will also be another level of security clearance added as patrons try to fund their accounts for either bingo accounts or other transactions online. Which means that if you are a switch or a maestro card user, every time that you want to fund your account to buy a gift, or pay for online shopping you will have to enter a personalised security password in order to get through.

The Mastercard 3D secure code verification process will be very similar to the verification by visa process. This secure 3D process is a safe and very secure method which requires users to enter their password in all future transactions and purchases online.

Users who have not registered for the 3D secure service will get a custom message when they try to carry out their transaction online.

Mastercard has put this initiative into place after considering the security threats, in order to make online transactions safer, although this might spell a bumpy ride for bingo players and the online bingo industry in general.

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