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Playing online bingo proven to be good for your health

Wink Online Bingo

The game of bingo goes back many centuries where people first began playing it in Europe. It was after the World War II when bingo made its way to America and became the most popular form of entertainment. Many old movie theatres started offering bingo nights which brought in good profits at an extremely difficult economic time.

However, things have now changed dramatically; old bingo halls now have to compete with the wide spreading and convenient online bingo sites. Like all other online and computer games, online bingo has brought a lot of critics that say online bingo players spend a lot of time at their computers dulling their reflexes and brains. But a recent research conducted in the UK has contradicted this belief and has proved many online bingo critics wrong.

It has been proven that both conventional and online bingo boosts reflexes and brain activity. The research, which was conducted amongst the UK’s elderly people, showed that regular online bingo players had high scores on mental ability tests. These regular online bingo players had a better ability of picking up information from their surroundings and had greater memory and mental speed. The research also implied that older people would get better at online bingo, provided they continued playing the game.

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