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Pensioner Mugged For Bingo Winnings

All of us at Sunlight Bingo were shocked and horrified to read about a pensioner who was mugged on her way home from her favourite bingo club on Sunday Night.  The lady in question has been named as Phyllis May Barry who is a 78 year old retired barmaid.  Mrs Barry was playing bingo at the British Legion club in Rumney, Cardiff on Sunday night; she had a pleasant evening as she won £80 on one of the clubs bingo games.

However disaster stuck when she was on her way to catch the bus home at around 11.10pm, she saw two men who she thought were running for the bus but they actual assaulted Mrs Barry and pushed her to floor and stole her handbag. The men then both fled the scene taking Mrs Barry’s handbag with them, the handbag contained around £150 in cash as well as some personal items such as photographs and Mrs Barry’s glasses.

When asked about the mugging Mrs Barry said “Nothing like this has ever happened to me before; it was quite scary.” She then went on to say “I’ve had to have my locks changed on my door as well because my keys were in my bag” lucky Mrs Barry was not badly hurt, just badly shook up and bruised from being pushed over.

When Mrs Barry was asked if she thought she was mugged due to the fact she had won £80 on a bingo game that night she replied that she did not think it was linked as she had been playing bingo at British Legion Club for 25 years.  However one of her sons disagreed “I’ve got a feeling somebody at the club knew about it because it’s too much of a coincidence that she won the money and then this happened straight after.”

The Police have arrested two men in connection with the mugging.  Let’s hope if they are the perpetrators that they go down for a long time.

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