Online bingo websites in the UK top Google visibility charts

cheeky bingo

A recent survey by Greenlight revealed the names of online bingo websites that enjoy maximum visibility on the Google search engine. This survey covered all online gambling including online bingo websites. It drew data from approximately 1.6 million gambling searches that were made in the month of March and classified 287 of the largely popular search terms.

The search rankings of Google were analysed to know which online gaming brands and websites got positions on the first page for every search term. In this survey, 60 top websites were covered, among which 12 online bingo websites had 10 percent visibility. The top 5 positions of popular bingo websites are as follows – Mecca Bingo topped the charts having 61 percent visibility. Foxy Bingo acquired second place with 56 percent visibility, followed by; Dream Bingo with 55 percent, 888Ladies Bingo with 52 percent and Littlewoods in fifth place having 49 percent visibility.

It seems like the entire effort put in by most online bingo websites have proved to be fruitful for boosting their position on Google search pages. The page one position plays a crucial role and most users only visit the websites that are shown up on this page. The likelihood of users visiting diminishes with the increase in page numbers, which is why most online businesses always aim for the first page position on every search engine.

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