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Online bingo surpasses all expectations, even in the face of the recession

slbingoWhile the nation is thawing from the after-effects of a global economic recession, the bingo industry seems to be doing fairly well. The findings of the online gambling commission for bingo state that sales in the bingo industry have been on a rise, despite the fragile economic condition we are facing.

This year’s report has stated that the bingo sales for the year 2009 have risen over last years. Registering a brilliant 4.9 percent over last years sales, the sales for this year are on the rise and showing no signs of stopping.

The news comes as a surprise because the number of bingo operators in the UK has also dropped as compared to last year owing to the smoking ban and the steep rise in taxation. The number of bingo operators in the UK dropped from 2224 to 2166. Furthermore the number of bingo halls has also decreased drastically as compared to last year.

Like in most other industries, it is the smaller companies that are taking the worse hits rather than the bigger players. For instance, online stalwarts like Mecca and Gala bingo are standing to benefit from statistics as mentioned above because statistics have revealed that between them they own a good 40 percent of the online bingo share.

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