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online bingo glossary

  • Posted by: Suzanne | Date January 27th, 2009

Wink Online Bingo

When you first start playing online Bingo, it can be a little overwhelming. There are so many sites and each of them seems to have their own set of names for the different things on the site. That is why a glossary might be able to help you get around the games and understand what is happening on the sites. You will find that the whole online bingo experience is more enjoyable when you understand what is going on.

Admission is the term that is used for those who are eligible to enter the uk bingo site and play the games.

The Admission Packet is the smallest number of cards that you must buy to be able to play in a game. There is generally an admission packet for each game that you wish to play. The admission packet will be different for each site that you play on.

The game that is played at the end of a regular game session is called the After Game.

The card that contains the numbers that you will use in the games is called a bingo card or bingo ticket. There are more than one million different cards to choose from in bingo.

Bingo Patterns is a term that is used to describe the shape that you need to create on your card with the numbers that are called. When you play the game, the pattern is determined in advance.

A coverall game or blackout game is a bingo game that covers the entire card to win. It is generally necessary to call fifty or sixty bingo numbers to cover an entire card. There have been games that have called considerably fewer numbers to cover the card, however.

A Bingo Bonanza is a progressive coverall that is typically the thirteenth game of a session of bingo. The forty five numbers in the game are called at the beginning of the session and the players in the game will set them aside on separate bingo cards. There is a countdown for the game that begins at forty eight goes up one number every week until the prize is won or fifty two numbers are called.

When you buy your tickets for the game you are said to be buying in.

The chat rooms are places where people gather together to chat while they are playing online bingo. It has become a place for players to make new friends and also win prizes that are only available in the bingo chat rooms.

CM is the Chat Moderator in your chat room. This person will help you in the chat room when you need help and will also provide you with information regarding the game that you are playing and any special prizes that are going out in the chat game.

In some games in online bingo there is a Consolation Prize given out when there is no winner.

The Dauber is a special pen that is used in bingo to mark off the numbers as they are called in a bingo game. The online sites will give you the choice to mark off the numbers yourself or you can use an automatic dauber.

The Early Bird Game is generally one that is played before the regularly scheduled games. It is sometimes used to refer to the first game of a bingo session. Many times the first game of a session is referred to as a warm up game as well.

The Free Space on your card is the space in the center that does not have a number. It is given to you for free in the game and will count toward your pattern.

The Game Room will refer to the area of the bingo site where the games are played. Many online sites divide up the site into rooms for each type of game that is played.

When you win your straight line bingo pattern without the use of the free space, it is referred to as a Hardway Bingo.

The prize that you will win for the game that you are playing is called the Jackpot.

The games that start late at night are sometimes referred to as Moonlight Bingo.

When there is an amount that you must spend to be eligible for prizes, it is referred to as the Minimum Buy-in.

On some games a number is drawn at the beginning of the game that will double a players winnings when they bingo on that number. This is called the Money Ball.

When there is more than one winner in a game it is called Multiple Winners and typically the prize is divided between the players.

Players who are only one number away from winning are called On in the game.

On The Way is what the game that is played on the way to a blackout or coverall game. The game is usually played before this game with the same card that will be used in the coverall.

Parti is the term that is used to refer to participation Bingo. It can also be used in other games when the prize is dependent on the number of players that are participating.

The Payout is the term that is used to refer to the percentage of total sales that a site pays out in prizes. Typically the payout by sites is seventy five percent.

A Progressive Jackpot is one that gets larger until someone wins. It can get bigger by the day, week or month. There are a number of variations of this type of jackpot that are used.

The random number generator that is used to select the numbers for the bingo calls is called the RNG.

An entire day or night of bingo is referred to as a Session. The sessions in online bingo usually last for two to three hours.

A Split Pot game is one in which the winner gets a percentage of the sales of the game. For instance, the winner may receive sixty percent of the sales for the game that they are playing and the site will keep forty percent.

Validation is the eligibility to win the jackpots. The price will change according to the number of cards that are played in the game.

A Wild Number is typically played on a double bingo game. The first number is the wild number.

The last game of a session is typically called the Wrap Up.

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