Online Bingo generates revenues of £220 million in 2008

Bingo has been loved by people since the first day it was played. The chance of winning large amounts of money and the guaranteed entertainment attracts people. With the advent of internet online Bingo made its entry and won the hearts of millions of people.

Online Bingo has gained popularity over time, since it creates a virtual Bingo hall environment and the players can play and enjoy Bingo sitting behind their personal computers enjoying it in the comfort of their own home.

The recent regulation which bars people to smoke in public has led to a further downfall in the number of people who visit Bingo halls. Online Bingo has gained so much in popularity that even in Bingo halls they have installed booths where visitors can play online Bingo while enjoying the pleasures of being inside a traditional Bingo hall.

This popularity is reflected in the revenue returns of £220 million that online Bingo has made last year. The growing trend shows that every year more people are engaging in online gambling and specifically in online Bingo. With such high growth experts are expecting to generate revenue of £500 million by 2013. However, we have to wait for some time to see if these numbers are really achieved.

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