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Bingo Players on St Minver Sites Dont Hit the Jackpot

  • Posted by: Suzanne | Date January 8th, 2009

There were some players on St Minver bingo sites that believed they had won a terrific bonus for the end of the year. The payouts occurred when the players hit one of the lines on their bingo tickets on December 31st.

The problem happened between ten am and ten thirty five am when the sites that were powered by St Minver accidentally paid out £11,000 for hitting on a single line on their tickets. The game that was involved was a particularly low stakes game and the players did have a full house win that should have given them £25 for their prize.

It wasn’t long before the technical team discovered what was happening and put a stop to the bingo play on the sites. At eleven am all the bingo games stopped on the site and the players that received the bogus payout had their accounts suspended. They received an email explaining to them what had occurred and that the payout they had received was a technical problem.

The sites that were involved in the error were Love Bingo, Littlewoods Bingo, Virgin Bingo, Mail Bingo, Chit Chat Bingo and Yahoo Bingo.

One of the players is reported to have said that they believed the prize was a little too good to be true, but they were hoping that they had won the big prize. Of course, they received the email within an hour of winning the prize explaining what had happened. They also said that the technical team had put £50 in their account to compensate the players for the mishap.

The licensees of these sites were not told about the error and found it to be a problem that they were not notified by St Minver but by a news organization instead. The feeling among these uk bingo site owners is that it has a bad effect on their sites and will cause them problems with their online players. They plan to discuss the problem at the next St Minver client meeting.

All of the problems appear to be fixed now and players can continue to enjoy online bingo from all of the above sites. The compensation to the players who were mistakenly given such a large prize is a nice gesture that should go a long way to rectifying the problem. However, site owners may not necessarily be happy that they were kept in the dark about the problem

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